Impartiality Policy

Our Impartiality Explained

Plymouth Information, Advice and Support service are here to offer impartial information, support and advice to parents, carers, children and young people (up to 25).

The information advice and support we offer is firmly based in the law and the SEND code of practice.

We provide arm’s length, unbiased information and advice about the Local Authorities policies and procedures and about the policy and practice in schools and other settings.

Definition of Impartiality “Not taking sides, not favouring one point of view over another because of preconceived ideas or beliefs, and ensuring that all available facts, truths, opinions and perceptions are being shared openly.’

You can read our full impartiality policy at:

We will:

  • Provide children, young people with SEND and their parents /carer’s information, advice support to help them make informed decisions.
  • Provide factual information and advice, based on guidance and legislation
  • Empower parents, children and young peoples to express their views
  • Not take sides with any party.

The ultimate aim to PIAS is to support the best educational outcomes for children with SEN and disabilities and our role is to support parents, children and young people in securing this.

We invite you to give us feedback on how impartial you have found us to be by contacting you by phone and by completing the online survey.

You can also email the Team Manager if you have any concerns about our impartiality: