SEND Newsletters

At Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND (PIAS) we receive lots of useful and interesting information relevant to parents.

“Join our Mailing List” to receive notification of when our latest SEND newsletters are published.

The latest edition of our newsletters can be downloaded in either PDF or Word format below.

SEND Information Newsletter

PIAS produce SEND information newsletters. These give up-to-date information and resources on SEND issues.

SEND Information Newsletter – October 2022: Next Steps

Activities and Events for SEND Newsletter

PIAS produce three activities and events guides each year. These are published at the end of term two (Christmas holiday), term 4 (Easter holiday) and term 6 (Summer holiday).

Our Activities and Events for SEND newsletter contains activities and events for families in the Plymouth area. You will find lots to see and do, including activities for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and many activities are FREE!

Activities and Events for SEND: Christmas 2024.

Please note: Please check with individual providers for activity and events updates.

Activities and Events for SEND: Christmas 2024 (PDF - 7MB)

Activities and Events for SEND: Christmas 2024 (Word – 164KB)

What is in our SEND Newsletter?

Information in our SEND newsletter includes:

  • Participation opportunities
  • Local activities and events
  • Parent groups and coffee mornings
  • Surveys and consultations
  • Workshops
  • and much more!
Follow us on Facebook for more activities and events.

You can also find us on our Facebook page where we regularly post activities, events and SEND information relevant to families.

SEND Publications from Plymouth Information, Advice & Support (for SEND)

Our Publications page contains information from Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND around topics such as Statutory Assessment, SEND Support, Special Educational Needs and much more!

We are always developing our website and are looking to expand the SEND section to include more helpful information for you, so do watch this space!