Youth Ascends

Youth Ascends

YOUTH Acting to Spread Cohesion and Educate about Needs, Disability and SEN

Youth Ascends Group

We are ‘Youth Ascends’ Plymouth’s SEND (Special Education Needs and Disabilities) youth forum.

Q. What is a forum?

A. A forum is a method of sharing ideas and talking about an issue or problem.

Our forum is open to young people with SEND from age 9 – 25 years old. In the near future we hope that we will be including health issues affecting service users. Our forum encourages young people to engage in discussions and feed experiences and views to our young person’s steering group.

Youth Ascends Forum Leaflet

Q. What is a steering group?

A. A steering group is a group of people who run the forum, represent the voice of the forum and engage with professionals in strategic planning.

Our steering group is made up of children and young people aged between 9 and 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This acts to make sure young people’s views are taken into account within strategic planning for provision in Plymouth. The group discusses issues that affect them and other children and young people with SEND in Plymouth. They advise from their own experiences and have a passion to make sure that young service users opinions are valued, their views heard equally with other members of society and by professionals in the city.

Young people can engage with the forum through their educational / post 16 providers / youth groups or agencies by attending facilitated discussion groups, drop ins, school council meetings or by surveys, email and text communication.

How can you become involved?

For further information of how you can be involved please contact Youth Ascends on 01752 258933 or email:

You can also register for Youth Ascends and correspond with us online.

Youth Ascends
Plymouth Information, Advice & Support for SEND
Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre
Scott Business Park
Beacon Park

Plymouth Youth Awards 2024 – The Final

Youth Ascends group attended the Crowne Plaza for the final of the Plymouth Youth Awards organised by YMCA Plymouth and Westcotts on Wednesday 19 June 2024. They were nominated under the Inclusivity category sponsored by First Class Support.

Nicolle Gallagher, Steve Braddon with Alfie and Morgan from Youth Ascends who attended the Plymouth Youth Awards 2024.

Youth Ascends Won the Award for Inclusivity!

Alife and Morgan attended on behalf of the group along with staff Nicolle and Steve. They all had a fantastic evening and the young people were so happy.

Youth Ascends is a forum created by and made up of young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Through regular meetings members come together to share their experiences and provide support and offer insight to professionals through consultations and co-production sessions. Youth Ascends collaborate with city leaders to co-produce an improvement plan which outlines necessary changes to Plymouth to ensure all children and young people with special educational needs receive adequate support.

We want to thank Youth Ascends for all their hard work and professionals who have worked alongside Youth Ascends and listened to their voice and views on how to make Plymouth a city accessible for all. You are an amazing group of young people who want to make a change within the city and to make sure young people have their voice heard. Well done everyone!

Education and Children’s Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Children and young people from Youth Ascends were invited to the Education and Children’s Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday 28th February 2024. They were given the opportunity to raise questions on the SEND improvement plan and the Commitments with Councillors and senior members of Plymouth City Council. They were amazing and are looking forward to more opportunities to share their views and ask questions. Thank you Youth Ascends for your thoughtful and challenging questions.

Education and Children's Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee Event.

Plymouth Hope Hack

Our PIAS Children & Young People Worker Nicolle and Youth Ascends member Natannia attended an event called Plymouth Hope Hack at Plymouth Argyle Home Park on Tuesday 28 November 2023.

Children and Young People worker Nicolle and Youth Ascends member Natannia attending Plymouth Hope Hack.

The event give young people an opportunity to reimagine a fairer society, explore innovative solutions to societal challenges, and tell leading policy makers what they want to see and what needs to change within Plymouth.

The event covered different themes which included:

  • Skills and employability
  • Mental and physical health
  • Racism and division
  • Sustainability and the environment
  • The cost of living
  • Community safety
  • Education.

Other Youth Ascends Information

Supported by the Plymouth City Council.